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Today, in response to defamatory comments in the Macedonian press from the theatre management last night, the creative team released the following statement to local television and print media:
"We the creative team of Alcmaeon in Corinth were invited by the NTB to realise Colin Teevan's version of Euripides' lost play from his Macedonian trilogy.
We took this as a privilege and have pursued our work with diligence and a great sense of responsibility to honour the Macedonian theatrical heritage. But, since we arrived on July 14th it has become increasingly obvious that the management had neither the funds nor the will to realise the agreed production. In spite of all our attempts at communicating with the management prior to our arrival, we had no advance warning as to the theatre's difficulties regarding finance and management. Thus, we strongly believe that we have been brought here under false pretences.
The management of NTB have been demanding changes in set, concept, venue and technical facilities. These changes have greatly compromised the show as well as everyone involved, not the least the author's rights. Yesterday, we were asked to asses the current state of the production and find a way of producing an alternative show concept in a different venue and cut down to whatever material and technical resources the theatre is currently capable of providing. At the same time, the MD of NTB, made public accusations that are not only incorrect and preposterous but are also defamatory. For example, it is the theatre MD who is solely responsible for the sanctioning of theatre's expenditure.
This current situation clearly shows that NTB is not in fact fulfilling their obligations to the creative team, their actors or the people of Macedonia. We have been forced into an impossible position, threatened and defamed by the very body that has invited us here and are finding it impossible to work. By making the circumstances of the production impossible, we believe, the theatre are de facto cancelling the show and are thus in breach of all our contracts.
The issues of copyright infringement and the abuse of our moral and human rights according to international law are currently being discussed.
Colin Teevan, Gideon Davey, Nikola Kodjabashia, Sasha C. Damjanovski, Ilina Angelovska"
Sadly, the serious problems within the production have continued since my last update, and during this time I have felt it best to not post anything here. The following statement to the press was just issued, and I will update on what happens next soon. I will also fill in the incredible backstory that has led to this point.
"We, the creative team of the show Alcmaeon in Corinth, have been invited by the National Theatre Bitola to realise this show and have arrived in good faith and willing to work, in July this year.
However, in spite of all promises from and agreements with the management of the theatre in the past six months, we have arrived to Macedonia to insufficient funds for the realisation of the accepted scenography, costumes, choreography, music and sound for the show. This situation compromises Colin Teevan's moral rights as author of the text under international copyright law. It also means that we, the creative team, have been contracted under false pretences.
Our attempts to continue working and make compromises for the past four weeks are well documented.
Whilst we have met with huge support and commitment from the actors of the theatre, our concerns and protests to the extremely unprofessional situation and working conditions have been ignored by the management. One small example of this is the letter to the Cultural Minister of 7th August, this year.
Today, we find ourselves forced by the management of the theatre to continue working in extremely unprofessional conditions and deliver a show of hugely compromised quality, or otherwise they will not pay the remainder of our fees and hold us in breach of contract.
In the compromising of the agreed production, the National Theatre Bitola is in breach of international copyright laws and representatives of the author will be left with no choice but to withdraw the rights to the play Alcmaeon in Corinth.
- Colin Teevan, Gideon Davey, Nikola Kodjabashia, Sasha C. Damjanovski, Ilina Angelovska"
Rehearsal resumed this morning. But what a week it has been.
Since my last post, the company's faith has been restored and dashed and then restored again. Money has been somehow found. Essential orders for materials were evaded but are now finally placed. Support for the production has been assured.
When rehearsal started again at 10 am this morning company morale seemed somewhat mended. By the conclusion of the day the theatre officially had new management, and revelry in the theatre bar continues as I write this now.
We have the Ilinden (national holiday) weekend to recoup. In that time I will write a full post to tell the story, as best I can, as to what has transpired.